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ロレックスがお店で売ってるんだ? 日本じゃロレックスマラソンで品薄

Writer's picture: haruukjpharuukjp
















Rolex and an Afternoon in the Countryside

X and I were strolling through a shopping mall in a quiet English countryside town. We didn’t have any particular goal—just aimlessly browsing through the storefronts, enjoying the slow rhythm of the afternoon. Then, X stopped in front of a watch shop, gazing at the display.

"Those Rolex watches have price tags on them," X murmured. "Are they actually for sale?"

For a moment, I didn’t understand what he meant. Of course, they were for sale. It was a store, after all. But sensing there was more to his question, I asked why he was so surprised.

X then told me about the so-called "Rolex Marathon" in Japan.

Apparently, popular Rolex models were in such short supply there that people had to race between high-end watch boutiques, hoping to catch a rare restock. Reservations weren’t accepted, and if you managed to buy one, you could resell it instantly for a profit. Some people made a business out of it. Because of this, Rolex watches in Japan never lasted on store shelves—they were gone the moment they arrived.

Yet here we were, in an English countryside town, staring at a display case filled with Rolex watches, each tagged with a price, sitting there as if waiting for someone to casually walk in and buy one.

"This is interesting," I thought.

We stepped inside the shop, where a gentlemanly staff member greeted us. X, still skeptical, asked if they actually had Rolex watches available for purchase.

"Yes, of course," the man answered in a completely matter-of-fact tone.

There were about fifteen models on display. Not every single one was available, but X quickly spotted the one he had been looking for.

The staff led us to a comfortable seating area and brought us coffee while presenting the watch. X examined it with an expression of excitement, as if he had just discovered a long-lost treasure. Then, without much hesitation, he decided to buy it.

"This is a great souvenir," he said, looking pleased as we left the shop.

The contrast between Japan, where people frantically run between stores for a chance to buy a Rolex, and this quiet English town, where luxury watches simply sit in the display case, waiting for a buyer, was fascinating.

Time, it seems, moves differently depending on where you are in the world.

Haru: "A blog documenting survival after losing my job in London. A middle-aged salaryman with elementary and middle school children, I was suddenly dismissed—on the same day—by the company I had worked at for many years. Unable to even return to the office, I was immediately unemployed. While scraping by as a freelancer to cover basic food expenses, my job search continues to be an uphill battle. Today marks day 829 since the start of my career transition."


United Kingdom

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